5 thoughts on ““Let’s hope there’s not a reason why…”

    1. Maybe it’s just laziness on my part, but I really do like what Matt’s signature sound effect brings to the page. And I’m not the only artist who likes to incorporate it into their work, either!


  1. I dig the plane though I was expecting a bi-plane for some reason. So who exactly is Mick? It’s been awhile since I read a Guy with a Hammer adventure so I can’t remember if Mick was his secret identity or not. Certainly not the Human Spring (Any new HS comics coming up by the by?) so which one of your superguys is the mysterious Mick? My inner Lois Lane wants to know!

    And you can never go wrong with “Ert!”


    1. I figured a bi-plane (like a hardtop coupe) would make it harder to get a look at the characters. Plus, this one should be fun to draw!

      Tho he wasn’t named as such, Mick has appeared in a Watusi comic before! (Hope that sends your inner Lois Lane thumbing through your back issues!) He and Wanda will kick off the next storyline I have planned for this strip (much like Polly kicked off this one).

      Don’t worry, tho, there’s still lots of Isla Esmerelda to come first!


  2. I see your logic in regards to a bi-plane. I firmly believe in the “fun to draw” rule. And I will find the answer to the Mick mystery via your suggestion! Those back issues do need some rereading!


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