“Home at long last”

strip110I never get tired of that pun! Yes, Watusi is back home safe and sound … which means it’s time for a new adventure to begin! Tune in next time for– if all goes as planned– a new look for Watusi!

Hopefully I won’t take it as far as DC Comics is planning to do…

3 thoughts on ““Home at long last”

  1. Hey Dale! I’m glad to see that Watusi got home safe & sound. Was starting to wonder there for a second. I can relate to this strip in a way because I just got back home from a week at the beach. Had a great time but also glad to be in my own bed. Didn’t have to fight any bad guys though, unless you count all the pretend bad guys my son Douglas & I did battle w/. Can’t wait to see what’s next! Keep up the great work!


    1. I want to take a beach vacation with you! It sounds like a blast – I bet you and Douglas came up with tons of new villains for Magnet Man to face!


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