13 thoughts on ““You know me– the shy and retiring type” -or- There’s magic in the air (part 5 of 13)

  1. I can’t wait for the next Watusi comic! I’ve been reading them since Christmas and I love them! They are hilarious! If I ever meet you in person could you teach me how you make these cool and funny comics?


    1. It’s only one week away! (or you can always subscribe via the box at the top of the sidebar)

      Glad you’ve been enjoying the comics! While it’s been a while since I taught any workshops, my best advice is to draw as often as you can– you really do get better through practice!


  2. I love Mick Magick’s cape! This looks like a fun story starting up. With downtown empty for the carnival and the races (as mentioned in the previous strip), is there something nefarious going on there, while everyone’s attention is diverted?


  3. My brothers are listening to me read your comics and they’re laughing really hard because they love Watusi (they even said those exact words) and so do I. You do a really good job making them and making them funny. Where did you come up with the idea for watusi in the first place? Do you enjoy writing the comics and reading the comments and putting the comics online?
    p.s. I wish today was a Wednesday (so do the boys)


    1. Thanks for the kind all the kind words about the comic. Watusi came about when I needed a quick idea for a cartooning workshop; I really didn’t put much planning into the character! Maybe I would have if I’d known I’d still be drawing him over a decade later!! I enjoy writing and drawing the comic and having it online is great– it’s nice to hear from people who are reading it.


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