“Been there, done that”


Oh, yeah! This storyline has given Watusi lots of experience with that, hasn’t it?

While I’ve got your attention, I wanted to remind my regular readers that I’m moving my email reminder list to MailChimp, and I hope you’ll join me there. This link will take you to the signup page, where you can choose if you’d like to get reminders weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Of course, if you’d like to get the strip itself delivered directly to your inbox each time one is posted, you can sign up with the “Hungry for more?” link on the right hand sidebar. Thanks!

“Visitors always appreciated”


Let’s hope Watusi remembers to try honey instead of vinegar when he finally meets Vivi!

If you have time, you might like to pop over and visit “The Real Matt Show”, where Matt Sears writes about his experiences as a teacher, shares short fiction & poems, and the occasional comic review … including this review of last summer’s Dime Bag Comics! Thanks, Matt!