“Singing in a higher register”


After all, what else could it be?

This weekend affords you a rare chance to ask me where this storyline is headed in person at this weekend’s Memphis Comic Expo. I’m looking forward to introducing myself to the wider Mid South comic reading community there, and am bringing the full “Watusi and the Emerald Serpent” book tour to the show. Stop by and say “hi” if you’re in the neighborhood!

“Late Night with Professor Harvey”


It’s no wonder the Professor looks so haggard– between staring at a computer monitor all day and contemplating math problems all night, it’s no wonder he’s bleary-eyed!

I’ve talked a bit about my upcoming “Watusi and the Emerald Serpent” tour stops (including the Memphis Comic Expo, Oct. 22-23 and Wichita’s Air Capital Comiccon, Nov. 12-13), and I hope you’ll be able to visit me at one of those events. If you can’t make it, though, the full set of seven issues is now available for purchase from my online storedetails here!



It’s good to see that Professor Harvey’s life has moments of respite from his research into the cause of Watusi’s demise!

A big thank you to everyone who stopped and chatted with me during last Saturday’s Mid-South Book Festival! If your first taste of Watusi has encouraged you to check out more, welcome! Feel free to browse the archives– a lot has happened since the “Emerald Serpent” storyline!

“Tripped up!”


“What have I done?!?” Looks like you’ve put paw in mouth again, Watusi– and to the last dog who could listen to you, too!

If you’re in Midtown Memphis next Saturday (Sept. 10th), stop by my table at the Mid-South Book Festival and say “hi”– I’ll have brand new Watusi issues, as well as some nifty new prints as part of my “Watusi and the Emerald Serpent” promotional tour! Can’t make it next weekend, don’t worry; more dates to come…