“Door to door delivery”


This seems like a good spot for both Watusi and me to take a little break. Looking at the next few weeks coming up, the holidays are going to wreak such havoc on my working schedule that I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep on track. To hedge my bets, look for a few odds ‘n ends over the next three weeks, and we’ll pick up this storyline again on January 8th!

“That’s not funny!”


Some dogs just can’t take a joke!

While I don’t have any Halloween hijinks planned for this strip, check out Mike Sullivan’s “Li’l Infinities” for some seasonal fare… including a Watusi cameo in #4! Thanks also to everyone who came out to say “hi” to me during last weekend’s Free State Comicon— if you missed the fun, you can at least follow along with the concluding part of the jam comic from the show, starting Thursday on Watusi’s facebook page

“A solution might be the solution”


Alright! Now maybe we can finally get a good look at the thing!

You can get a good look at me– and my latest Watusi print comics– at this Saturday’s Free State Comicon! Plus, I’ll be continuing the jam comic I started at last month’s Project: Comic Con there! Bring your pencils (or borrow one of mine) and pitch in with a panel of your own from 10am-6pm– hope to see you there!